
How to Make Daycare Drop-Off Easier: A Parent’s Guide

Daycare drop-off can be as emotionally demanding for a parent as it is for the little one. Knowing and being prepared for that can make this transition much smoother. Here are some things parents can do to help make it easier on them and get their child off to a good start for the day.

Get Your Feelings in Check

Before you go talk to your child, first manage your feelings.Kids are so attuned to what’s going on with you, and if they’re picking up on your anxiety or sadness, it very well may trigger their own. Take two deep breaths; reassure yourself that they are in good hands and then approach them with a calm, confident attitude.

Arrive Early for School Drop-Offs

The difference really can be in the timing of drop-off. Be an early bird at school drop-offto bypass the crunch and clamor that usually ensues as stragglers wander in. This way, he gets a second to collect himself before most of his classmates come down on him, making it less traumatic.

Focus on Your Child

As soon as it is time to part ways, be attentive toward your child. Do not look elsewhere and stay close to your child—don’t engage in a conversation with other parents or keep checking your phone. A loving, quick goodbye can work wonders in affirming your child that you are with them, even when you are away.

Beware: Separation Anxiety

It’s easy to unintentionally the separation anxiety your child may be feeling. Long, drawn-out goodbyes or coming back for “one last hug” can undermine your child’s ability to adjust.

Keep your goodbye ritual simple and the same each day — the goal is to send the message that you believe they will have a good day.

Create a Drop-Off Ritual

Establish a good bye, ritual that the little one looks forward to when it’s time to drop him at the center. Maybe some sort of secret handshake just between the two of you, a special hug, or even a quick song—this routine will leave your child looking out for each morning and be less worried about parting ways.

Night Before Prep

This will make for a stress-free morning for anyone. Just remember to lay out your child’s outfit, fix their lunch, and get their backpack in order for the morning the night before when you’re getting ready for bed. It won’t only improve your morning, but it will make your child feel more in control and better equipped toward facing their day.

Talk to Staff at Daycare

In fact, cultivating a good relationship with your daycare staff can literally make all the difference in the world as to how easy or how difficult this process of drop-off really is. It will be an open communication that helps keep you informed about what’s going on with your child during the day. This also allows the staff the opportunity to provide some extra comfort and support to your little one as he goes through this transition.

Obtain Daycare Separation Anxiety Advice

 If the drop-off routine is driving you crazy, do not hesitate to share daycare separation anxiety with other people. Other parents may have great experiences and techniques to share with you. The view of another person on a thing can be very helpful sometimes.

Encourage Independence

It is also setting your child up for more independence, which would make him less fearful of the thought of not being able to live without his parents. Allow them to carry the backpack, put away the coat, or even choose a set of toys to carry along. Small behaviors of independence would build up the confidence and help you feel the lost sense of control back in the situation.

Keep Positive Attitude

Because children often adopt their parents’ attitudes, be positive. Share all the fun times they will have at day care and all of their friends they will have. Your attitude can get them excited about the day ahead and forget the separation.

Give It Time

Remember, every child needs time to adjust to going into daycare. Give it a little while; some children need longer to adjust than others. Stay patient and persistent; let the routine gradually begin. Before you know it, drop-offs won’t be that most chaotic part of your day anymore.

Celebrate the Small Wins

Finally, it is important to celebrate small victories. If today, for once, your child walked in without crying or managed a wave goodbye with a smile, that’s what positive reinforcement is for, and it can keep him going forward, believing in himself where daycare drop-offs are concerned.


You will be adding separation anxiety smoothly in several ways: attending to your feelings, getting up bright and early at school, focusing on your child, and watching out for the things you say. Keep in mind to ask for advice about separation anxiety in day care when needed. Before you know it, your child will adjust and thrive.

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